Forestmachine-Magazine - THE PFANZELT MORITZ

More resilient and stronger trees by seed than by planting saplings

Since the Pfanzelt Moritz was first presented at the KWF convention in 2016 as a felling tool the concept has significantly evolved. In addition to the mulcher attachment the
vehicle can also be equipped with an edge plough featuring a mounted sowing unit and a new Pfanzelt seed planting combination unit.

Little has changed in terms of the basic design of the Moritz minitractor. The unit’s compact dimensions and low deadweight enable smooth transportation on a car trailer or in a van. The weight of only 1.4 ton including winch also guarantees the very low soil pressure. The chassis can be widened with hydraulics to work in challenging terrain.

The new feature is that the cable winch can be removed using a quick-change system. Consequently, you can attach various tools to the basic vehicle. For this purpose, the vehicle boasts a category 1 standardised three-point mount and a mechanical PTO as well as up to three hydraulic control units. As a result, Moritz is suitable for several purposes. The new seed planting equipment has been developed in close collaboration with the Federal Forestry Authority of Brandenburg who have already been using it for several months in trials. It works by the milling wheel cutting a narrow channel on the forest floor between 6 and 8 cm in depth and is able to cut through branches or small root systems to enable ideal sowing results. The vehicle features different sowing chambers and separate systems for seeding so that both small and large seeds can be processed. A transparent, electronic operating unit enables detailed adjustment of the sowing unit.

The Pfanzelt seeding concept was developed due to the lack of availability of young sapling trees for replanting huge areas that had to be clear felled.

This was due to the bark beetle infestation which has spread throughout Germany, France, Austria and the Czech Republic, in 2018 Germany alone had to fell 35million m³ of infected timber and this figure is set to rise in 2019.

By planting seeds the trees, once established, should be more resilient and stronger than planting young saplings and it is a more economical considering the amount that is required.
